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Health Calculator. My goal is to start exercising more to tone up! So I'm going to share what I'm doing and maybe if you need to do the same we can work out together! One thing I need to work on is those lovely love handles! So here's some exercise techniques I'm going to add to my list of TO-DO's!
Lose your love handle's workout:
Beginner: Tai Chi Sweep
(A) Stand tall with your feet wide, your abs pulled tightly inward, and bend your knees a few inches. Bend your elbows up and in front of you so that they are at waist height and both of your palms are facing toward the right. Pull your abs tightly inward.
(B) Keeping your abs pulled inward and the rest of your body rigid, twist to the right and sweep your arms as far across your body pushing the energy, or "chi," as you go.
(C) Immediately turn your palms toward the left and, by twisting from the waist, sweep your arms to the left. Continue alternating twists left and right.
Intermediate: Crossover Twist
(A) Stand tall with your feet hip width apart with your elbows bent and your hands behind your ears. Pull your abs in tight.
(B) Lift your right knee as you twist from the waist to bring your left elbow toward it. (Depending on your balance and flexibility you may or may not be able to touch your elbow to your knee.) Hold a moment and repeat with the opposite arm and leg. Continue alternating until you've completed all reps.
Advanced: The Flamingo Flex
(A) Stand tall with your feet hip width apart, your hands behind your head, elbows bent. Bend your right knee and lift it up and out to the side so that both your hip and knee are turned outward.
(B) Slowly bend from the waist and lower your right elbow toward your knee. (Depending on your balance and flexibility you may or may not be able to touch your elbow to your knee.) Hold a moment at the bottom of the movement and then slowly return to the start. Do all reps to the one side and then do an equal number of reps to the left.
Beginner: Basic Russian Twist
(A) Sit up tall on the edge of a sturdy chair with your toes on the floor, heels lifted. Bend your elbows and place your hands behind your head without lacing your fingers together. Pulling your abs inward, lean back a few inches from the hips.
(B) Maintaining strong abs and a slight backwards lean, twist left and right from the waist until you've completed all reps.
Intermediate: One Leg Russian Twist
(A) Sit up tall on the edge of a sturdy chair with your right toe on the floor, heel lifted and your left leg bent and held a few inches up off the floor in front of you. Bend your elbows and place your hands behind your head without lacing your fingers together. Pulling your abs inward, lean back a few inches from the hips. (B) Maintaining strong abs and a slight backward lean, twist your left elbow toward your right knee and then return to the start. Hold a moment at the bottom of the movement and then slowly return to the start. Do all reps to the one side and then do an equal number of reps to the left.
Advanced: Russian Twist Balance
(A) Sit up tall on the edge of a sturdy chair with your toes pointed and your knees bent. Raise both feet off the floor a few inches. Bend your elbows and place your hands behind your head without lacing your fingers together. Pulling your abs inward, lean back a few inches from the hips.
(B) Maintaining strong abs and a slight backward lean, twist left and right from the waist until you've completed all reps.
Beginner: Side Bridge
(A) Lie on your right side with your bent knees slightly forward of your body and your feet tucked behind you. Bend your right elbow and rest your forearm along the floor so that your right hand is out in front of you and place your left palm in front of your chest for balance and support as needed. Pull your abs in tight.
(B) Keeping your abs pulled strongly inward, lift your torso and hips off the floor and hold for a slow count of 20. As you hold, concentrate on letting your abdominal muscles do all of the work and keeping your neck, shoulders and lower back relaxed.
(C) Slowly lower to the start, rest briefly, and repeat twice before switching to the other side.
Intermediate: Slow Bicycles
(A) Lie on your back with your left knee bent toward your chest, your right leg extended and a few inches off the floor. Place your hands behind your head, fingertips touching; curl your head, neck and shoulders up. Rotate from your middle so that your right elbow is pointing toward your left knee.
(B) Hold the starting position for a slow 3 count, then slowly rotate to the other side by bending your right knee and extending your left leg as your left elbow moves toward your right knee. Again, hold slow 3 count. Continue rotating to complete reps.
Advanced: Ab Circles
(A) Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet hip width apart, flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head but don't lace your fingers together. Round your elbows outward, tuck your chin slightly, and pull your abdominals in toward your spine. To start, lift your head, neck and shoulder blades off the floor and hold.
(B) Make a small clockwise circle with your waist: Bend a small distance to the left, curl a small distance upward, bend a small distance to the right, and then lower a small distance downward. This is one repetition. Do an equal number of reps in a counterclockwise direction.
Below, you'll find a variety of cardio activities that target your waistline while burning calories.
Activity Calorie Burn
Belly Dancing 300
Kickboxing 615
Martial Arts 610
Mountain Biking 520
Race Walking 400
Rowing 430