
Monday, January 30, 2006

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Friday, January 27, 2006

Commercial Use Blog

Is coming around nicely! If you are a small home based business you need to check it out! HERE
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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Tagged yet AGAIN!

By Kathy! LOL
Rachael tagged me and it looked like fun, so here goes:

What scrapbooking lines/products/etc do you dislike?
Dislike? Some cutting machines

What is the hardest thing you've ever had to scrap?
Dh's Iraq photos...still aren't done two year later!

What technique do you use more than any other?

Ever been published?
I've had two digital layouts published

What's the smallest scrap of paper you save?
probably 2x2 or 1x3

Ever have any scrapbooking-related injuries?

Finish the sentence "If I wasn't a scrapbooker, I would spend my money on....."
Wow...I haven't a clue! I would probably have more money!

Give us your best storage or organizational idea.
I have everything in those plasic roll shelve thingies ;)

You just won a week-long scrapbooking cruise for 5. Who's going with you?
Kelly Shults, AmyJo, Brenda, Trish Jones, Shabby P

After you've answered the questions, tag 6 of your scrapbook buddies!
Oh lordy ;)
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Monday, January 23, 2006

Please Help!!!

I read this on the Digi Pick of the Day Blog, and had to try and get the word out!
Quoted from the DPotD
"I wanted to share with all of you a post from Alisha Hess at Sweet n' Simple Creations. She is having a fundraiser to benefit a charity that has sadly become very dear to a good friend's heart. Please read on for the details:

Please Help! Deadline January 31st, 2006!
Jen, a mommy acquaintance of mine lost her newborn baby to Potter's Syndrome this past weekend. In Potter's (or Potter) syndrome, the baby's kidneys do not develop in the first few weeks of life in the womb. The baby's kidneys are essential for the production of amniotic fluid in the womb. If there are no kidneys, there is little or no amniotic fluid to expand the womb around the baby and to allow the baby to grow and move. The womb remains small and in its confined space the baby's lungs cannot develop properly. Many babies with Potter's syndrome are stillborn. In those who are born alive, the immediate cause of death is failure to breathe (respiratory failure) due to underdeveloped lungs, usually in the day or two after delivery. Even if this problem is treated the baby cannot survive without kidneys. (Potter's syndrome is also known as Renal Agenesis, which simply means that the kidneys did not develop). Jen and her family turned down their option of terminating the pregnancy in the belief that God was in control of the situation and would allow the baby to live as long as he or she was meant to. Their precious little baby was by all ultrasounds thought to be a little girl who was to be named Faith. They relied on God to give them strength to go through the pregnancy, so that they could spend as much time as possible with their precious little one.

January 14th, 2006 a note from Jen:
"Faith Elizabeth was born at 5:40 am this morning (at 34 weeks) and was promptly renamed Brett Andrew. 13 ultrasounds and we were all wrong. The labor was short and the delivery was uneventful. We were able to share his life for 1 hour before he passed away. He was, of course, perfect. Thank you for all of your thoughts and well wishes. God bless my little boy."

Jen has asked that anyone who wishes to make a contribution in Brett Andrew's name to send your gift to a group named "The Kid's Place" who deals with grief counseling and is now very near and dear to the family's heart. I'd like to make a contribution and you can help me do so. I am donating all proceeds of my toddler themed "Petite Journaling plates" purchased from now until the end of the month to The Kid's Place. Please, if you'd like to help out with this very worthy cause, visit the SOTB or Digitals store before the deadline and snatch a pack of these up. Please help!
Link to my Journal plates at SOTB: http://www.scrapoutsidethebox.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=&products_id=1890
Link to my Journal plates at Digitals: http://www.digitalscrapbookpages.com/digitals/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=&products_id=2019 "
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Sunday, January 22, 2006

A little card for you :D

I just made this little card with my new Sweets Paper Pack! Instuctions Included :D The card is scalloped..not sure if you can see that from the picture or not.
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Vertigo Papers have been PRINTED!

If you LOVED the kit and want it back, well now you can have your hands on the traditional papers!!!

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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

SP wants Tutorials!

And will pay you cash! Check out the details Here.
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I've Been Tagged!

Thanks to Kelly Shults! Make sure to wish her a Happy Birthday too :D

4 jobs i've had in my life...
1. Corrections Officer
2. Law Office Secretary
3. Shoe Sales Lady
4. Digital Graphic Designer

4 movies i could watch over and over...
1. The Notebook
2. Napolean Dynomite- funner the more you watch it ;)
3. The Mummy
4. Lord of the Rings- LOVE seeing the Elf..hehehe

4 places i've lived
1. Morrill, Ne
2. Havelock, NC
3. Beaufort, SC
4. Fallbrook, CA

4 tv shows i love to watch
1. CSI
2. Desperate Housewives
3. House
4. Gray's Anatomy

4 places i've been on vacation
1. Charleston, SC
2. Nebraska- does that count ;)
3. Phoenix, Az
4. Washington, DC

4 websites i visit daily
1. threescrapateers.com
2. 2Peas
3. rakscraps.com
4. scrapmuse.com

4 of my favorite foods
1. chips and salsa
2. Chinese Food
3. Ice Cream
4. Cheesy Breadsticks

4 places i'd rather be right now
1. out of the state of AR :D

4 bloggers i am tagging
1. Trish
2. Dianne Rigdon
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How Funny Is THIS!

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LMAO! I got this from Jamijo at Scrapmuse!
Just had to share!
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How Awesome!

THREE talented ladies got featured at scrapbooking.about.com! Contrats Doris, Leann, and Amberlee! You can see their work here:
And Here
Here Again
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Sunday, January 15, 2006

New Matchbook!

I have a new matchbook in the store! I did some things while I was on vacation and this is one of them :D It printed great! I'm going to use it for a swap I'm in! Enjoy!
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Monday, January 09, 2006


Well it's almost over! Just about time to head home, so I made a freebie for everyone and a new matchbook for the store :D In the mean time we've adopted a puppy and a kitty! I'll get some pics up as soon as I can! I also have a sale, a great one actually, that will run until the 17th :D Anyways here is a little freebie with a postcard and an envelope for that sweetie in your life ;)
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Yousendit Link
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Sunday, January 08, 2006

Well I guess the word is out!!!

Ya know....I started posting at A Cherry On Top when I first started digital scrapping, and now they're wanting to go digital! I've been talking with ACOT, they are pretty cool, about this venture for awhile now. After the phone call with Stephen, I've been thinking pretty hard about what I'm going to do. I know I want to stay at 3Scrap because I love it there, so I'm going to email those wonderful BIZ ladies with some help! LOL! It's great to see which designers were asked because they kinda kept things in the dark about it. Just said it was going to be exciting :D
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