
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Cards for Heros Blog Hop!!- CLOSED

Ill be drawing my winner tonight! You'll be able to see a list of all the winners on the Cards for Heroes site!
PS- Those wanting to donate to help cover the cost of sending the cards, a little FYI. It costs 11.95 to send 325 cards! I know times are tough for everyone, but it makes it harder when you don't have your friends and family around to help you get through your day.

This is for a great cause where everyone wins! Not only will these military men and women be receiving cards to send home to their loved ones, but there are also RAKs that the site and individuals have to give away!! Magistical Memories has also been generous enough to donate a 10.00 GC to a random commentor on my blog! You'll need to register in the store to receive your gift certificate! Ill draw the winner on Tuesday. Please be sure to leave your email address in the comment so I can get ahold of you :D
If you're just getting in on this hop, you may want to go back to the beginning and leave a comment on the Cards for Heros blog. You can also take the time to see what the organization is all about. If you're not a card maker you can always donate through paypal or by using your CC, or sending a check to help with the postage costs of sending these cards over to our troops. Every little bit helps! If you are a card maker and have some home made cards laying around, please think about sending them to this great organization! There are ways to get kids, children or even your scout troop involved! Make sure to check out the "Get Involved" options at the top of the side bar.
Here are my cards that I'll be sending. I did just a little set. I know I have a lot of others to go through to send as well!
Dream Street papers and Magistical Memories were used. I tried to keep them simple, I know the beating those letters can go through!

Make sure to visit Deena's blog for the next step on the hop!!

Semper Fi!

Pin It!


Victoria S. said...

love your cards - they are great!

Dana said...

neat cards, so pretty!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Wonderful cards!!! (I deleted the last post due to a typo). :)

ange said...

very pretty cards...thanks for the info about the cards for soldiers! :)

Sarah said...

What an awesome idea! I'm going to make some this weekend! Thanks for sharing, Amy!

Anonymous said...

Great cards-Grreat cause!

Anonymous said...

WOW! These are very lovely!! Beautiful designs!! :) Thanks for your support!!

Unknown said...

Very bright and cheery, great job!

Chris said...

Great cards. Thanks so much for participating.

Kay said...

Such great cards - I know they are going to spread some love :)

alisa logue said...

God bless the USA and our heros who serve it. -Alisa

shelly said...

very cute cards!

Heidi E. said...

Love your cards.. The colors are great.. Have a safe and happy Memorial weekend ♥

Diana said...

I love how you combined the green and teal together. Nice color combo!

Karen said...

Wonderful card! TFS! {{cheers}}

Charlotte said...

Really cute cards!

Suz said...

Super cute cards it is a great cause & thanks for supporting the troops

JPScraps said...

Simple but beautiful!!

Dawn said...

Great stuff here to see, thanks for hopping!

Fabre said...

Hey Amy! Thanks for the wonderful post about Cards for Heroes and I just love the cards you created! I am so drawn to the colors....you have a great eye! Have fun hopping today!

Melissa said...

Cute cards! I love Dream Street papers.

Candace said...

Great Cards!

kristina proffitt said...

Beautiful cards, Amy!!

Loni said...

terrific cards and color combination. Thanks for supporting Cards for Heroes.

Kelli Waters said...

Very lovely projects!

Lauren said...

What a nice little bunch of cards! Thanks for supporting our troops!

TLHarwick said...

Pretty cards! Thanks for your time and effort with CFH! As the spouse of a deployed solider I am sure these cards will be appreciated!

{VICKI} said...

enjoying the hop

Lisa Renéa said...

Your cards are beautiful! Thanks for supporting CFH!

Britta Swiderski said...

Adorable cards- I love how you used the ribbon to tie them together!

Unknown said...

Cute cards!

Wendy said...

This is such an exciting event!

Phinny said...

Such great cards!

This is such a fun hop! So happy to be doing the blog hop for such a good cause with such a great, generous group of talented peeps! *smile*

Daintry said...

I like the green, it is different! Thanks for sharing, and for sending cards to our troops!

Jennifer said...

Cute cards! Hope you have a great holiday weekend!

Martha said...

You've beautiful cards from those papers. Such a clean and fresh look to them.
Thanks for participating in the CFH blog hop!

Lynn said...

I love your cards. Thanks so much for supporting this event. I am the proud Mother of a US soldier!
Thank you for supporting our troops.

Katrina Hunt said...

These cards are so cute!! Fellow MO person here!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous cards! TFS!

Heather said...

Beautiful cards. I especially like the bundling-- very sweet!

karahoward said...

Your cards are so simple, yet stunning. Thanks for all you are doing for the troops!

mica said...

Your cards are so beautiful!!

Jennifer Hansen said...

What a great thing all of you are doing for them!

jenniferlynnhansen at yahoo dot com

Erika said...

As a military wife, please let me say thank you for what you are doing. It's so good to know that there are others thinking of our loved one's when they're in harms way. What a wonderful way of showing your appreciation!

Lisa said...


Whispers and Wishes said...

The bright green is so cheerful. These are lovely cards!

Merry's Musings said...

Just lovely!Happy Memorial Day Weekend.

Janice said...

Very lovely cards, nicely done!

Teri said...

Amy, your cards are wonderful and you can bet that I will be sending some cards to them!

Purple Princess said...

Super cute cards!!

Lucy Abrams said...

These are super - love your cards.

Carole RB said...

Great cards Amy

Rebecca said...

Love the color combinations on these cards. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous talent!

Jana said...

Love these! Wonderful colors.

Nancy said...

wonderful cards...the colors and design are just beautiful!!
Thanks for supporting our heroes...
Proud Marine Mom!

inkedx2 said...

Your cards may be simple (in your eyes) but they are awesome. Thanks for your support of our troops!


Lisa (mldesignworks) said...

I love the flowers! Thank you for sharing them!

Lost in Paper said...

your cards are just lovely!!!

sondra said...

Thanks so much for sharing!
Love love love your talent!

Lisa - papergrace said...

Such pretty cards! And I love the color choices.

Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend!

Jean Fitch from jlfstudio said...

Thanks for participating and sharing the art, the inspiration and the creativity. Happy Memorial Day! I’ll be back to visit when the hop is over. - Jean

jlfstudio at charter dot net

Carolyn Sharkas said...

love your cards, and I love the size, although I rarely do anything besides the normal size. thanks for sharing

ceashark at aol dot com

Gail said...

Great cards!

Atticelf said...

Love the cheery colors on your cards! The inspiration I'm getting seeing all this creativity on the bloghop is fantastic!

Isn't this bloghop an amazing event?? I had never heard of CFH before and I'm looking forward to celebrating Memorial Day with my kids as we make cards to send in to CFH. :)

Tammy said...

Such wonderful card! tfs!

paula said...

great cards!!! thanks for sharing your talent!!

Maggie said...

Great cards. Thank you for supporting our troops. I am a proud mom of a Marine.

Unknown said...

Wonderful cards!!!

Chrisd said...

What beauties those cards are...

Elaine said...

Simply gorgeous!

myownplace said...

Great cause! Thanks for letting us know about this!

Lida said...

Love the bling on your cards they are super cute!

Renee said...

REally great cards!

cr8iveme said...

what great cards and what a great cause.


marcy said...

Love your card! Please keep on supporting CFH - they are such an amazing group. My husband is a Naval Gulf War vet. I am inspired by how all the bloggers support each other too! Have an amazing weekend.


kasmello said...

I really like your cards!! Thanks for doing this!

Laurie said...

Love your work! I just started working in digital, and have downloaded quite a bit from A Cherry on Top.

Thanks for sharing with CFH!

Anonymous said...

I love the cards! It's so fun to make these cards and know they are being used around the world!! How cool is that?!

Axes DesigNs said...

Great cards. thanks for make cards for heros

decp8nter said...

Great cards!!

Teresa said...

Great cards!

I am so happy to be part of this blog hop!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your cards!

PCM said...

What wonderful cards. TFS

sideoats + scribbles said...

What great cards! :)

Shirley said...

Your cards are so pretty! Thank you for your support of our troops.

BethW said...

Awesome of course. Thank you for the inspiration and for supporting our service personnel.

Susan M. Brown {sbartist} said...

Happy Memorial Day! All of your cards are beautiful and thank you for your creativity and dedication to this great cause. Hooah!
: ) Sb

~ginny said...

Kudos on your card!
Long live our Heroes!

Sandy said...

I love your style! That card on the left- who makes that sentiment? I need to get me one of those stamps, I love it!!!

Thanks so much for joining us on the hop!!

Sue McRae said...

Love the colours in your cards! So fresh and happy!

mommyabbytommy said...

Great cards. Thanks for the inspiration!

slightlyimperfect said...

Your cards are very pretty. Thanks for your participation in the hop and for your service to our troops. Happy Memorial Day.

Juliana Michaels 17turtles said...

What I wonderful cause Amy!
I have heard of this, but never really looked into it! I plan to sit down with my Mom and create some cards just for this with her!
Happy Memorial Day!!!

Janice D-P said...

Beautiful cards, Amy. Thanks for the inspiration. Have a lovely MD weekend.

The Wired Angel said...

Great cards.. thanks for sharing your story and for helping to spread the word about CFH. Enjoy your Memorial Day.

Ina Good said...

simple is lovely! Thanks for participating and i enjoyed visiting!Thanks for your military support! hugs,Ina

cjs said...

Love your cards - very beautiful!

Regina said...

such pretty cards...

Karen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lyneen said...

Great card.... thanks for the GC giveaway.... Bless our troops this special day. Enjoy your Memorial Day.

Kerri said...

Very cute cards, Amy! It's been a LONG time but somehow I'm not surprised to see you involved in this.

Anam_Kihaku said...

such pretty cards.

Unknown said...

great cards. Love the papers and embellishments.

.:liza:. said...

Very cute cards!

Karen said...

Love the cards and simplicity

naomi_m said...

Cute cards.

Unknown said...

Amy, I love your cards and blog!

Thank you for participating giving your time and talent to CFH.

I share in your thankfulness that your husband came home safe. I'm sure the journey home hasn't been easy.

My Army son was there in Nov. 05 - Nov. 06. He is out now.

I have two Marine sons, one doing work ups for deployment in October.

Semper Fi!

...Darlene said...

I love the colors you used on these great cards.
Thank you for sharing.

truleetraci said...

Love the color combos on your cards! They are beautiful!
Thanks for doing the hop! This is a fun way to spend memorial day and remember our troops!
I can't wait to make/send some cards!

Kathy JH said...

Wow - your cards are wonderful - thanks for sharing them with all of us!

Sharon said...

great cards your special

Christina said...

Very cute cards! Thank you for supporting the troops and this organization!!

P.S. Hope you don't mind if I leave an additional comment.

Visit The Original Scrapbox and check out their product catalog and also please take a minute and cast your vote for me, my entry #257! I am in the running to win a scrapbook desk!

Sue said...

What a great thing you are doing!! such a worthy cause :)